Reminder… Forage Revenue Crop Insurance Listening Session is Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 11

NAFA is pleased to be working with AgriLogic Consulting on a new alfalfa revenue crop insurance product through the 508(h) process allowing us to develop an insurance product that is in the best interests of alfalfa farmers. USDA’s Risk Management Agency Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Board recently approved the concept to move into development phase. As part of this phase, AgriLogic and NAFA, are pleased to be hosting a Listening Session for farmers and industry members to learn about the revenue product, as well as to provide input to assist in making the new product the best fit for our industry.

Please make plans now to join us for the Forage Revenue Crop Insurance Listening Session on Tuesday, June 11 at 6:30 p.m. CDT. Click the link below to register for this important event.

The event will begin with an overview of the new, revenue-based product proposed by AgriLogic Consulting, LLC, a dynamic and innovative supplier of risk analysis products and services to the agricultural insurance industry. Following the presentation, we will take comments and AgriLogic will answer questions from farmers and industry professionals about the proposed revenue-based product. NAFA has been working on this effort for many years so your involvement and feedback are very important.

To receive the virtual linkregister for the Forage Revenue Crop Insurance Listening Session by clicking here. It is important we reach as many farmers and industry representatives as possible. Please share this opportunity with others at your farm or company.
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